VL Archives

  • Great Expectations: The Promise and Peril of AI In Intellectual Property

    Great Expectations: The Promise and Peril of AI In Intellectual Property

    written by Guest Author

    in ,

    Artificial intelligence has fundamentally reshaped human existence, integrating seamlessly into daily activities that were once considered uniquely human. Today, AI drives cars, recommends movies, creates images, and even writes stories. These remarkable achievements beg the question: what is AI, and how has it achieved such a vast scope of capabilities? It is defined by the…

  • Judicial Appointment: Conflict and Suggestions

    Judicial Appointment: Conflict and Suggestions

    written by Guest Author


    The conflict between the government and judiciary over the appointment of judges is not new to our democracy. The passing of the National Judicial Appointment Commission Act (the “NJAC”) in 2014 marked an intense confrontation between them. India has seen significant discontent over the manner of appointments of judges in higher judiciary. In October 2022, the…

  • The Role of Supreme Court Judgements in Shaping Indian Democracy

    The Role of Supreme Court Judgements in Shaping Indian Democracy

    written by Guest Author


    The Supreme Court of India has been a cornerstone of democracy, serving as the guardian of the Constitution and the protector of fundamental rights. Its judgements have had a profound impact on the political, social, and economic fabric of the country. This article delves into the pivotal role that Supreme Court judgements have played in…

  • The Measure of Justice and the Question of Minority Rights in India

    The Measure of Justice and the Question of Minority Rights in India

    written by Guest Author


    Before we delve into the discussion of rights of minorities in India, it is appropriate to understand what defines a minority. Internationally, there is no consensus upon the definition of a minority group. The United Nations has emphasized the rights of minorities and addressed the characteristics required for a group to be recognized as a…