Rethinking Virtuosity in Legal Education and Research in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Ghayur Alam writes for Virtuosity Legal

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The Journey of Right to Information in India

The roots of the Right to Information can be traced back to 1990 when the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS) came into existence in Rajasthan. Notably, the members of this organization were being paid less than the minimum assured wages. In no time, the resistance of the workers over the same issue became a widespread movement.

Rajat Shandilya and Sahil Varshney write for Virtuosity Legal

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Disownment in India: Legal Implications, Inheritance Rights, and Societal Perspectives

Now, the question arises whether the concept of family estrangement should be given legal recognition so that it, along with the legally recognised concept of disinheritance, forms a more nuanced and legally recognised concept of ‘disownment’? To answer this question, along with other factors, it must be considered what all would be the consequences of such a legal recognition.

Khadijatul Kubra writes for Virtuosity Legal

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Judicial Appointment: Conflict and Suggestions

There is a distinction between a ‘judge with poor understanding of the law’, which is certainly not suitable for the system and a ‘compromised judge who is not free’. The Collegium system has kept the executive out of the process for appointment of judges since, as history has also shown, the executive could mount pressure on the judiciary and derive benefit.

Ramsha Khan writes for Virtuosity Legal

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Great Expectations: The promise and peril of AI in Intellectual Property

Questions arise at two levels. First, can copyright protection be extended to AI, or should it be limited to humans? If so, who should own the copyright—the creator of the AI, the user who provides the commands or the work should be left in the public domain? Second, when AI violates the copyright of human creators, how should liability be assigned?

Nabila Zehra writes for Virtuosity Legal

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