Dr. Khalid Shamim
Professor of Law, Shibli National PG College,
Thrust Area: International Law, Intellectual Property Rights (specifically Law of Patents)
In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Humpty Dumpty famously declares, “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” Law too, is shaped by interpretation, growth, and evolution. It is a continuous process of discovery and rediscovery, revealing itself through its application and its pursuit of justice. Just as Humpty Dumpty asserts control over meaning, the law defines its own scope through precise statutory definitions. Every legislative enactment begins with a definition clause, establishing the parameters within which legal principles operate. This process of definition is fundamental to the law’s structure, ensuring clarity and predictability.
Research, contrary to popular understanding, is not re-search (searching again). ‘Re’ is not a prefix. Research is a complete word. It refers to addition to the existing, revealing the unrevealed, making the unknown known. The true test of any academic endeavor lies not merely in its contribution to existing knowledge but in its ability to address research gaps, lapse, lacunae, and absences.
Legal scholarship holds its greatest value in highlighting areas where legal frameworks are incomplete, ambiguous, or entirely silent. Highlighting these gaps is not only vital for advancing legal discourse but also essential for fostering public understanding and informed policy-making.
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!”
When a child is taught this nursery rhyme, it often goes unnoticed how it offers more than just poetic charm. It opens a window for a philosophical worldview. It is indeed a ‘wonder’ how we are surrounded by Law all through life from the cradle to the grave but fail to notice as often. Legal philosophy, at its core, is driven by two forces: wonder and wander.
Legal research stems from this same intellectual curiosity. It begins with wonder—questioning established norms, doctrines, and legal frameworks—followed by wander—a rigorous exploration of uncharted legal dimensions. This dialectic of inquiry and discovery ensures that the law remains dynamic, evolving in response to societal needs and challenges.
Virtuosity Legal is an initiative grounded in this pursuit. It seeks to push the boundaries of legal research by uncovering gaps, fostering intellectual curiosity, and contributing to the continuous evolution of law. In doing so, it aspires to not only enhance academic discourse but also to make legal knowledge more accessible and impactful.